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Two Stabilization Weaknesses

In fact, two common distortions that come from camera shake are unfixable. And iMovie makes these distortions look worse because it takes away the shake they like to hide in. The first distortion is Motion Blur. Unless you have a camera that shoots at really high frame rates, it’s possible to swing your camera around so fast that the pixels actually become blurred. Although iMovie can stabilize the frames relative to each other, it can’t sharpen the blurriness in individual frames. When you play back stabilized footage with blurry frames, it looks like the camera is moving in and out of focus. The second distortion, Video Jelly, can arise when you shoot with a camera that contains a so-called CMOS lightsensor chip. Some still cameras, like the Nikon D90, and many newer AVCHD cameras, contain this sort of chip. Unfortunately, CMOS cameras use a rolling shutter, which means the sensor data starts recording at the top of the sensor working down to the bottom, really fast. If the camera is moving too much during filming, the subject gradually shifts left or right during that pass down the sensor.