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Fastest Possible Connection

The fast and inexpensive 802.11g standard (which uses the same 2.4 GHz band as 802.11b) is rapidly moving to unseat 802.11b from the top of the heap. The very cool thing about “g” is the built-in backwards compatibility with 802.11b. That means any “b” product can connect to a “g” access point. This compatibility makes 802.11g an easy upgrade without tossing out your old client hardware. Because of the compatibility with 802.11b and 802.11g, there is no great hurry to push the myriad of funky wireless products to the new “g” standard. Most manufacturers have support for basic wireless infrastructure using 802.11b and 802.11g with access points and client adapter. Wi-Fi 802.11b really shines when you look at the host of wireless products available. Not only are there the basic wireless networking devices, like adapters, base stations, and bridges, there are also new products that were unthinkable a few years ago. Wireless disk drive arrays, presentation gateways, audiovisual media adapters, printer adapters, Wi-Fi cameras, hotspot controllers, and wireless broadband and video phones dominate the consumer arena. And the enterprise market is not far behind. We’ve been tossing out the terms wireless, gigahertz (GHz), and frequency. Next, we’ll discuss how Wi-Fi uses wireless radio waves, also called RF, to communicate amongst the devices in a wireless network.

Hide Shaky Footage - very simplique

If you’re in the habit of analyzing Event footage, you’ll probably see swaths of red squiggly lines all over the clips in your browser. Most of this stuff is pure dreck—so jerky, it’s beyond iMovie’s capacity to stabilize it, and unworthy of any project you may create. If you agree, and you’re sure you have no use for it, you can hide excessively shaky video from view so none of it ever sneaks into your storyboard. Underneath your Event Browser, next to the Favorites filter menu, there’s a red squiggly button that matches the red squiggly line branding all of your shakiest footage. Click this button to make all of the shaky stuff invisible. Because shaky footage sneaks into the middle of clips, many of your Event clips will be split into smaller pieces as a result, but it’s not permanent. Click the button again, turning the gray line red, to make the shaky footage reappear. Your clips are whole once more.

Histogram - up to speed

Learning to use the Video Adjustments panel effectively involves learning about its histogram, the colorful little graph at the top of the panel. The histogram is a self-updating visual representation of the dark and light tones that make up your video clip. If you’ve never encountered a histogram before, this may sound complicated. But the histogram is a terrific tool, and it’ll make more sense the more you work with it. Within each of the superimposed graphs (red, blue, and green), the scheme is the same: The clip’s darker shades appear toward the left side of the graph; the lighter tones are graphed on the right side. Therefore, in a very dark clip—a coalmine at midnight, say—you’ll see big mountain peaks at the left side of the graph, trailing off to nothing toward the right. A shot of a brilliantly sunny snowscape, on the other hand, will show lots of information on the right, and very little on the left. The best-balanced shots have some data spread across the entire histogram, with a few mountain-shaped peaks here and there. Those peaks and valleys represent the really dark spots and bright spots. Those mountains are fine, as long as you have some visual information in other parts of the histogram, too.

What if men got pregnant?

1. Maternity leave would last two years.. with full pay.

2. There would be a cure for stretch marks.

3. Natural childbirth would be obsolete.

4. Morning sickness would rate as the nations number one health problem.

5. All methods of birth control would be improved to 100% effectiveness.

6. Children would be kept in the hospital until they were toilet trained.

7. Men would be eager to talk about commitment.

8. They would not think twins were quite so cute.

9. Fathers would demand that their SONS be home from dates by 10 PM.

10. Men could use their briefcases as diaper bags.

11. They would have to stop saying, "I'm afraid I'll drop him."

12. Paternity suits would be a line of clothes.

13. They would stay in bed for the entire nine months.

14. Menus at most restaurants would list ice cream and pickles as entrees.

15. Women would rule the world.

Marriage Jokes

All wives are alike, but they have different faces so you can tell them apart.

I married Miss Right. I just didn't know her first name was Always.

I haven't spoken to my wife for 18 months: I don't like to interrupt her.

Scientists have discovered a food to diminish a woman's sex drive by 90%. It's called Wedding Cake.

Marriage is a 3 ring circus: Engagement Ring, Wedding Ring, Suffering.

Our last fight was my fault: My wife asked me "What's on the TV?" I said, "Dust!"

In the beginning, God created the earth and rested. Then God created Man and rested. Then God created Woman. Since then, neither God nor Man has rested.

Do you know the punishment for bigamy? Two Mothers-in-law.

Young Son: "Is it true, Dad, I heard that in some parts of Africa a man doesn't know his wife until he marries her?"

Dad: That happens in every country, son.

The most effective way to remember your wife's birthday is to forget it once.

Wireless Fidelity - unexpected speed

Wireless networking is accomplished by sending a signal from one computer to another over radio waves. The most common form of wireless computing today uses the IEEE 802.11b standard. This popular standard, also called Wi-Fi or Wireless Fidelity, is now supported directly by newer laptops and PDAs, and most computer accessory manufacturers. It’s so popular that “big box” electronics chain stores carry widely used wireless hardware and networking products. Wi-Fi is the root of a logo and branding program created by the Wi-Fi Alliance. A product that uses the Wi-Fi logo has been certified by the Wi-Fi Alliance to fulfill certain guidelines for interoperability. Logo certification programs like this one are created and promoted to assure users that products will work together in the marketplace. So, if you buy a Proxim wireless client adapter with the Wi-Fi logo branding, and a Linksys access point with the same logo on the product, they should work together. The IEEE 802.11b Wi-Fi standard supports a maximum speed of 11 megabits per second (Mbps). The true throughput is actually something more like 6 Mbps, and can drop to less than 3 Mbps with encryption enabled. Newer standards like 802.11a and the increasingly popular 802.11g support higher speeds up to 54 Mbps. So why is 802.11b so popular? Because it was first and it was cheap. Even 3 Mbps is still much faster than you normally need to use the Internet. A megabit is one million binary digits (bits) of data. Network speed is almost always measured in bits per second (bps). It takes 8 bits to make a byte. Bytes are used mostly to measure file size (as in files on a hard disk). A megabyte is about 8 million bits of data. Don’t confuse the term megabyte for megabit or you will come out 8 million bits ahead. The 802.11a standard, which operates in the 5 GHz frequency band, is much faster than 802.11b, but never caught on, partly because of the high cost initially and partly because of the actual throughput in the real-world conditions of a deployed wireless network.

Building Your Own Wi-Fi Antenna Cable

Think back to the olden days, say three or four years ago, when computers were tied to the desk with a phone line or network cord. Surfing the Web, reading e-mail, or checking your PetCam meant plugging in, jacking in, or getting wired. Now just about any device can be “unwired” to use a wireless network. You still need electricity though, so batteries or power cords are still in the picture. At least for a little while. Ironically, wireless seems to use twice as many cables as wired connections. This wireless paradox arrives in the form of extra power cords, antenna cables, pigtail jumper cables, and Ethernet patch cables. One critical component to a successful wireless project is the antenna cable, used to extend the reach of the radio to the antenna. This will show how to build an antenna cable for use with many of the projects in this book. You can purchase this type of cable in pre-defined lengths from online sources. However, building your own antenna cable is easy and can take less than 5 minutes. The instructions in this chapter apply to a Wi-Fi coaxial antenna cable (also called coax). The steps in this can be adjusted to apply to any type of coaxial cable, like that used in cable televisions.
You will need the following items:
Wi-Fi network device with an external connector (client adapter or
access point)
Wi-Fi pigtail cable, if using a wireless client adapter
Coaxial cable, preferably Times Microwave LMR-400
Coaxial cable cutters
Crimp tool, ratcheting style
Crimp tool “die” with hex sizes .429, .128, and .100I — Building Antennas
Long-nosed pliers
Small wire cutters
Single-sided razor blade
Type-N connectors, reverse-polarity male
Digital multimeter or electrical continuity tester
Known-good coax cable for comparison testing
Some of these items are specific to building an antenna cable (crimp tools, connectors, and soon). Don’t worry if they are unfamiliar to you. In the later posts, I will explain in detail about all the processing. Right now collect all the above posts.

Wi-fi advancements

The store shelves are flooded with Wi-Fi access points, clients, music players, network hubs, and printers, and myriad other consumer devices sport Wi-Fi access. Take the Xbox, Play station 2, and TiVo—these all have Wi-Fi ability now. Remember when people were saying how everything in the house will eventually be wired? How anything from a toaster or refrigerator to a stereo system or television would have Internet access? Well, it’s been some time coming, but with wireless in the home, these are now possibilities. Refrigerators are being sold with Wi-Fi connections, and several products will now connect your digital media from your computer to your television over Wi-Fi. I wonder when my toaster will send me a wireless e-mail when the toast pops ? Wireless is awesome, but it is also somewhat limited.

Two Stabilization Weaknesses

In fact, two common distortions that come from camera shake are unfixable. And iMovie makes these distortions look worse because it takes away the shake they like to hide in. The first distortion is Motion Blur. Unless you have a camera that shoots at really high frame rates, it’s possible to swing your camera around so fast that the pixels actually become blurred. Although iMovie can stabilize the frames relative to each other, it can’t sharpen the blurriness in individual frames. When you play back stabilized footage with blurry frames, it looks like the camera is moving in and out of focus. The second distortion, Video Jelly, can arise when you shoot with a camera that contains a so-called CMOS lightsensor chip. Some still cameras, like the Nikon D90, and many newer AVCHD cameras, contain this sort of chip. Unfortunately, CMOS cameras use a rolling shutter, which means the sensor data starts recording at the top of the sensor working down to the bottom, really fast. If the camera is moving too much during filming, the subject gradually shifts left or right during that pass down the sensor.

Wi-Fi connection– do it yourself

“Internet without wires”. Think about that for a minute. All of the entertainment, utility and performance of the Internet of yours without being tied to a desk. Without even being tied to the home or office. Internet without wires...anywhere! Wireless is a growing revolution changing the way people communicate and share ideas. From cell phones to PDAs to mobile computers, wireless access puts you instantly in touch with millions of other people around the planet. Wi-Fi, in particular, is changing how people access the Internet from laptops and PDAs. It’s emerging as an alternative for cellular service, and it may even replace regular telephone lines as voice conversations begin to be re-routed over Wi-Fi networks in larger numbers. Wi-Fi is that subset of wireless communications designed for high-speed Internet access. Sometimes simply referred to as “wireless,” or known by its many-lettered specification IEEE 802.11b, a, g, and so on, Wi-Fi allows compatible devices to connect without cables or physical connections. With speeds far in excess of most cable modem, DSL, and even T1 service, Wi-Fi is rapidly becoming the standard for Internet access.

The History of Chess

The game of Chess in the form in which it is played to-day is usually assumed to be of a much older date than can be proved with certainty by documents in our possession. The earliest reference to the game is contained in a Persian romance written about 600 A.D., which ascribes the origin of Chess to India. Many of the European Chess terms used in the Middle Ages which can be traced back to the Indian language also tend to prove that India is the mother country of the game. We are, therefore, fairly safe in assuming that Chess is about 1300 years old. Of course we could go farther, considering that the Indian Chess must have been gradually developed from simpler board games. Indeed we know from a discovery in an Egyptian tomb built about 4000 B.C. that board games have been played as early as 6000 years ago; but we have no way of finding out their rules. The game of Chess spread from India to Persia, Arabia and the other Moslem countries, and it was brought to Europe at the time of the Moorish invasion of Spain. It also reached the Far East, and games similar to Chess still exist in Japan, China, Central and Northern Asia, the names and rules of which prove that they descended from the old Indian Chess. It would be going beyond the limit of this summary of the history of Chess if I tried to give even an outline of the extremely interesting part Chess has played in French, English and German literature from the Middle Ages up to the present time. Suffice it to mention that Chess literature by far exceeds that of all other games combined. More than five thousand volumes on Chess have been written and weekly or monthly magazines solely devoted to Chess are published in all countries, so that Chess has, so to speak, become an international, universal language.